Pre go-live Q&A

Find replies to commonly asked questions related with the pre go-live.

Q&A Categories:

I missed the May mail and my account was subsequently deactivated, will this affect my registration to the Dentsu system from the 20th June?

It will not affect it. You will receive the second e-mail starting 20th of June as well. For any issues in accessing the system, please send a mail to , you may write us there to get access to the Test system.

We will still onboard you into the Production System as of 20th of June onwards.

Do we need to register new facilities in Northern Ireland on both Densu and De La Rue systems and report to both ?

On the 1st of July, Dentsu took over from DLR, and Dentsu serves as ID Issuer provider for both, NI and GB. So if you have a registration for NI in DLR system, we will transfer them as part of the migration exercise into Dentsu’s system.

The May email(PreProd onboarding process) had a different EO code to the one we have from DLR?

The EO code is different from DLR’s sytem because the EO_CODE is supposed to be a security number to identify your organization.

The EO_CODE appears in the UK ID Issuer Web Interface.

Any guidance on when should we stop sending product movements/transactional data information to DeLaRue?

The gateway messages need to be sent to DLR System until the 30th o f June at 23:59 AM, and the to Dentsu’s system from the 1st of July at 00:00 AM.


When we start sending the messages to Dentsu post 1st July, can we expect errors for the messages sent to Gateway from Dentsu system.

You should stop sending product movements and transactional data to DLR system on the 30th of June at 23:59 AM and send product movement/transactional data to Dentsu system from the 30th at 00:00 onwards.

Will Facility ID Codes, that are transferred over, remain the same or will they be different from the DLR system or remain the same as in the DLR sytem?

They will be exaclty the same. If you don’t register any new facility or a new EO, all the migration will happen automatically and there won’t be any impact.

Our messages are sent to De La Rue using the industry recommended Inextend software supplied by Inexto. Are you working with them on behalf of the industry to ensure the transfer to Dentsu works and we therefore remain compliant?

There are also other solutions developed by other Service Providers and all of them, including Inexto have been informed about the new system. This will be “transparent” for EO, and forsure EO can uses these solutions also from the 1st of July.

Can we start sending messages to new UK ID Issuer system prior 1st of July, for example on the 30th normal business hours?

Technically you can send messages to Dentsu system before 1st of July 2022, but this is no making you compliance.

Popular resources

ID Issuing

Request identifier codes and unique identifiers.

Service Portal

Request system access credentials, open support tickets.

Knowledge base

Supporting documentation, including Q&As, presentations, and stakeholder manuals.

Technical documentation

Latest and past version(s) of the official Data Dictionary and Technical Specifications.

Test environment

Access to test environment of the system (PreProduction)